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What If You Can? Using A Modular Camp As Temporary Housing While You Build

by Harry Martin

Many people dream of building their own home, but between construction loans on the new property and mortgage or rental payments while it is being built, the dream is never able to become a reality. However, what if there was an affordable to way to live on your new property during the construction process? Have you considered renting a camp trailer or purchasing a modular camp to stay in while the home is being built? It may be more economical than you think.


While it may be difficult to afford both a construction loan and a rental or mortgage payment on an apartment or house, the cost of renting a camp trailer is substantially less. This can help to improve your debt to income ratio, and also place you closer to the construction project, making it easier to oversee the progress. 


If it is possible for you to include the purchase of a modular camp in your construction costs, the investment may be well worth it. Not only would it be possible to live in the camp while your home is being built, but it could also be used for guest or office space once the building project is completed. 

Today's modular camps are quite nice, and can be designed in a similar style to your home, helping them to flow seamlessly with the architecture and design of your new place. By owning your modular camp, you are also free to make it your own. Decorations, appliances, and color schemes are completely up to you. 


If your new property includes several acres of land, choosing a location for your home can be both exciting and overwhelming. Having the flexibility of a small modular camp as a guest or temporary house can provide a different perspective of the property. It could be used to try out a few different locations before settling on where to build, or as a change of scenery when used as a guest house.


If you choose to purchase a modular camp to use during the construction of your new home, the price may surprise you. They can often be built for less than $100 per square foot, and may even be financed through a rent-to-own program. They can also be constructed in many different sizes and styles to fit your taste and budget.

With so many options available, a modular camp may just be the temporary housing solution that puts you into your dream home. Go to site to learn more about this type of housing.
