What Projects a Handyman Can Help You With

A Potable Water Service Plan

by Harry Martin

Potable water is water that is deemed safe for human consumption. Many industries rely upon potable water to support day-to-day operations. If you are a business owner who stores fresh drinking water, setting up a water service plan will ensure that the water you have on hand is safe.

Sourcing Water

The government regulates the distribution of potable water. Wastewater that is treated is routed directly to freshwater distributors or stored in water basins. Water is inspected regularly to ensure that it is free of any harmful contaminants. Water that is safe for human consumption is distributed through local municipalities or private businesses. 

Servicing Essentials

Potable water that will be used to manufacture products or that will be served directly to consumers must be tested regularly. Testing will determine if there are any contaminants in the water that could be harmful to anyone who drinks it.

A contractor who provides inspection services will collect a sample of the water that you have onsite. They will provide you with a conclusive analysis, which will indicate if the water is safe in its original form or will need to be treated.

Your servicing plan should outline how many gallons of water will be treated, plus the frequency in which inspections will be conducted. You will receive a written document that deems your water supply safe once the inspection process is completed.

Cleaning Essentials For Your Water Supply

A contractor who services potable water will clean your potable water tank at scheduled times. Cleaning the tank involves inspecting the materials that the tank is made of and using specialized equipment to sanitize the interior chamber where water is stored. Cleaning the tank is a normal part of potable water maintenance. It guarantees that the quality of the water doesn't deteriorate due to improper storage methods.

Potable Water Storage Upgrades

A contractor can assist you with upgrading the storage materials that you use for potable water. If you own older storage devices, or if you are going to expand the amount of water that you keep onsite, set up an appointment to consult with a contractor.

A contractor will ask you questions about the manner in which you store water and the amount of space that you have available for new storage materials. They will advise you on different types of storage devices that will preserve the quality of water, plus regulate the temperature of water.

For more information on potable water servicing, contact a company near you.
